855 research outputs found

    A multi-band printed monopole antenna

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    In this paper, we present an antenna design for multiband applications which can cover the GSM 900 (890-960 MHz), DCS (1710– 1880 MHz) and PCS (1850–1990 MHz), UMTS (1920– 2170 MHz), and WLAN2.4GHz (2400-2484MHz) frequency bands. A prototype is built and measured. Results of return loss, radiation patterns, and efficiency are given. The antenna is small, cheap to manufacture, has a low profile and would be suitable for wearable applications, mobile phones and base stations

    Random Exchange Disorder in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain

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    The one-dimensional XXZ model is studied in the presence of disorder in the Heisenberg Exchange Integral. Recent predictions obtained from renormalization group calculations are investigated numerically using a Lanczos algorithm on chains of up to 18 sites. It is found that in the presence of strong X-Y-symmetric random exchange couplings, a ``random singlet'' phase with quasi-long-range order in the spin-spin correlations persists. As the planar anisotropy is varied, the full zero-temperature phase diagram is obtained and compared with predictions of Doty and Fisher [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 45 }, 2167 (1992)].Comment: 9 pages + 8 plots appended, RevTex, FSU-SCRI-93-98 and ORNL/CCIP/93/1

    Thermodynamics of charged and rotating black strings

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    We study thermodynamics of cylindrically symmetric black holes. Uncharged as well as charged and rotating objects have been discussed. We derive surface gravity and hence the Hawking temperature and entropy for all these cases. We correct some results in the literature and present new ones. It is seen that thermodynamically these black configurations behave differently from spherically symmetric objects

    Flooding of Regular Phase Space Islands by Chaotic States

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    We investigate systems with a mixed phase space, where regular and chaotic dynamics coexist. Classically, regions with regular motion, the regular islands, are dynamically not connected to regions with chaotic motion, the chaotic sea. Typically, this is also reflected in the quantum properties, where eigenstates either concentrate on the regular or the chaotic regions. However, it was shown that quantum mechanically, due to the tunneling process, a coupling is induced and flooding of regular islands may occur. This happens when the Heisenberg time, the time needed to resolve the discrete spectrum, is larger than the tunneling time from the regular region to the chaotic sea. In this case the regular eigenstates disappear. We study this effect by the time evolution of wave packets initially started in the chaotic sea and find increasing probability in the regular island. Using random matrix models a quantitative prediction is derived. We find excellent agreement with numerical data obtained for quantum maps and billiards systems. For open systems we investigate the phenomenon of flooding and disappearance of regular states, where the escape time occurs as an additional time scale. We discuss the reappearance of regular states in the case of strongly opened systems. This is demonstrated numerically for quantum maps and experimentally for a mushroom shaped microwave resonator. The reappearance of regular states is explained qualitatively by a matrix model.Untersucht werden Systeme mit gemischtem Phasenraum, in denen sowohl reguläre als auch chaotische Dynamik auftritt. In der klassischen Mechanik sind Gebiete regulärer Bewegung, die sogenannten regulären Inseln, dynamisch nicht mit den Gebieten chaotischer Bewegung, der chaotischen See, verbunden. Dieses Verhalten spiegelt sich typischerweise auch in den quantenmechanischen Eigenschaften wider, so dass Eigenfunktionen entweder auf chaotischen oder regulären Gebieten konzentriert sind. Es wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass aufgrund des Tunneleffektes eine Kopplung auftritt und reguläre Inseln geflutet werden können. Dies geschieht wenn die Heisenbergzeit, das heißt die Zeit die das System benötigt, um das diskrete Spektrum aufzulösen, größer als die Tunnelzeit vom Regulären ins Chaotische ist, wobei reguläre Eigenzustände verschwinden. Dieser Effekt wird über eine Zeitentwicklung von Wellenpaketen, die in der chaotischen See gestartet werden, untersucht. Es kommt zu einer ansteigenden Wahrscheinlichkeit in der regulären Insel. Mithilfe von Zufallsmatrixmodellen wird eine quantitative Vorhersage abgeleitet, welche die numerischen Daten von Quantenabbildungen und Billardsystemen hervorragend beschreibt. Der Effekt des Flutens und das Verschwinden regulärer Zustände wird ebenfalls mit offenen Systemen untersucht. Hier tritt die Fluchtzeit als zusätzliche Zeitskala auf. Das Wiederkehren regulärer Zustände im Falle stark geöffneter Systeme wird qualitativ mithilfe eines Matrixmodells erklärt und numerisch für Quantenabbildungen sowie experimentell für einen pilzförmigen Mikrowellenresonator belegt

    Time and Amplitude of Afterpulse Measured with a Large Size Photomultiplier Tube

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    We have studied the afterpulse of a hemispherical photomultiplier tube for an upcoming reactor neutrino experiment. The timing, the amplitude, and the rate of the afterpulse for a 10 inch photomultiplier tube were measured with a 400 MHz FADC up to 16 \ms time window after the initial signal generated by an LED light pulse. The time and amplitude correlation of the afterpulse shows several distinctive groups. We describe the dependencies of the afterpulse on the applied high voltage and the amplitude of the main light pulse. The present data could shed light upon the general mechanism of the afterpulse.Comment: 11 figure

    Single gluino production in the R-parity lepton number violating MSSM at the LHC

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    We examine the RpR_{p}-violating signal of single gluino production associated with a charged lepton or neutrino at the large hadron collider (LHC), in the model of R-parity relaxed supersymmetric model. If the parameters in the /Rp{\rlap/R}_p supersymmetric interactions are not too small, and the mass of gluino is considered in the range from several GeV (as the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle) to 800 GeV, the cross section of the single gluino production via Drell-Yan processes can be in the order of 10210310^2 \sim 10^3 femto barn, and that via gluon fusion in the order of 10110310^{-1} \sim 10^3 femto barn. If the gluino decay can be well detected in the CERN LHC, this process provides a prospective way to probe supersymmetry and RpR_p violation.Comment: LaTex, 22 pages, 5 EPS file

    Critical Dynamics of Magnets

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    We review our current understanding of the critical dynamics of magnets above and below the transition temperature with focus on the effects due to the dipole--dipole interaction present in all real magnets. Significant progress in our understanding of real ferromagnets in the vicinity of the critical point has been made in the last decade through improved experimental techniques and theoretical advances in taking into account realistic spin-spin interactions. We start our review with a discussion of the theoretical results for the critical dynamics based on recent renormalization group, mode coupling and spin wave theories. A detailed comparison is made of the theory with experimental results obtained by different measuring techniques, such as neutron scattering, hyperfine interaction, muon--spin--resonance, electron--spin--resonance, and magnetic relaxation, in various materials. Furthermore we discuss the effects of dipolar interaction on the critical dynamics of three--dimensional isotropic antiferromagnets and uniaxial ferromagnets. Special attention is also paid to a discussion of the consequences of dipolar anisotropies on the existence of magnetic order and the spin--wave spectrum in two--dimensional ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. We close our review with a formulation of critical dynamics in terms of nonlinear Langevin equations.Comment: Review article (154 pages, figures included

    Electroweak Corrections to the Charged Higgs Boson Decay into Chargino and Neutralino

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    The electroweak corrections to the partial widths of the H+χ~i+χ~j0(i=1,j=1,2)H^+ \to \tilde{\chi}^+_i \tilde{\chi}_j^0 (i=1,j=1,2) decays including one-loop diagrams of the third generation quarks and squarks, are investigated within the Supersymmetric Standard Model. The relative corrections can reach the values about 10%, therefore they should be taken into account for the precise experimental measurement at future colliders.Comment: 21 pages, 6 eps figures, 1 Latex fil

    Far-infrared vibrational properties of high-pressure-high-temperature C60 polymers and the C60 dimer

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    We report high-resolution far-infrared transmission measurements of the 2 + 2 cycloaddition C-60 dimer and two-dimensional rhombohedral and one-dimensional orthorhombic high-pressure high-temperature C60 polymers. In the spectral region investigated(20-650 cm(-1)), we see no low-energy interball modes, but symmetry breaking of the linked C-60 balls is evident in the complex spectrum of intramolecular modes. Experimental features suggest large splittings or frequency shifts of some IhC60-derived modes that are activated by symmetry reduction, implying that the balls are strongly distorted in these structures. We have calculated the vibrations of all three systems by first-principles quantum molecular dynamics and use them to assign the predominant IhC60 symmetries of observed modes. Pur calculations show unprecedentedly large downshifts of T-1u(2)-derived modes and extremely large splittings of other modes, both of which are consistent with the experimental spectra. For the rhombohedral and orthorhombic polymers, the T-1u(2)-derived mode that is polarized along the bonding direction is calculated to downshift below any T-1u(1)-derived modes. We also identify a previously unassigned feature near 610 cm(-1) in all three systems as a widely split or shifted mode derived from various silent IhC60 vibrations, confirming a strong perturbation model for these linked fullerene structures

    Measurements of J/psi Decays into 2(pi+pi-)eta and 3(pi+pi-)eta

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    Based on a sample of 5.8X 10^7 J/psi events taken with the BESII detector, the branching fractions of J/psi--> 2(pi+pi-)eta and J/psi-->3(pi+pi-)eta are measured for the first time to be (2.26+-0.08+-0.27)X10^{-3} and (7.24+-0.96+-1.11)X10^{-4}, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure